Create a professional email signature in minutes with our easy code-free, HTML signature generator.
If you like the free HubSpot Email Signature Generator, you are going to love Signature Builder. It takes HTML email signature generation to the next level.
Perfect for marketing managers wanting rapid deployment of on-brand, good looking, compatible email signatures. Sign up for a free 14-day trial today!
We take the pain out of Building HTML email signatures. So if you'd like to have your unique signature, upload the file here. Within 24 hours, we will have your design loaded.
We know that building HTML signatures is frustrating. We also know it's essential for you to have the correct branding to match precisely how you'd like it to look.
Simply connect HubSpot by oAuth and gain access to your HubSpot team members data.
Signature Builder includes an easy-to-use dashboard that views and controls all the organization's signatures, pulling information directly from your HubSpot user directory.
Change your team branding settings and apply them to your HubSpot Users and Teams.
Quickly deploy them to your HubSpot Portal, Gmail, Outlook, or any HTML email client.
Use HubSpot features to make your signature management fast and easy.
Signature Builder connects HubSpot to your Outlook 365, or Gmail account and lets you rapidly deploy your email signatures.
Taking data directly from HubSpot, you can rapidly deploy your team branding.
Volume discounts for more HTML email signatures generated.
Distribute your team email signatures by API to Google, Gmail and Microsoft Outlook 365, Raw HTML, then copy and paste right into HubSpot for an all-in-one solution that removes the friction in signature change.
Got a jumbo team? Speak to us for generous volume discounts for more than 50 users.
*minimum single 5 user pack per purchase required. USD $9 per month, $1.80 each.
Diamond HubSpot Partner, The Kingdom, builds Signature Builder. We have been working with HubSpot portals for years and are passionate about HubSpot.
We have complete confidence in Signature Builder but appreciate that sometimes software is not suitable for you. We will be delighted to offer you our 30-day Money-Back Guarantee. No questions asked.
If you would like help, our HubSpot specialist team will also be pleased to help you out.